Friday, January 26, 2018


January 25th,

We had another great day. We ordered room service breakfast and we each got a bowl of blueberries…yummy.

We went to the Princess Theatre to join our tour. Then we were lead to the tenders. It was a fairly short, very smooth ride.

When we got to shore we waited a few minutes and then our bus arrived. It was a wonderful new bus and they called it the Black Beauty. You could even smell the new car smell.

We drove for an hour while our guide told us about the country side we were driving through. We arrived at the Maui Ocean Center and we spent the next 2 hours there. It is very well done and the tour is self guided. We were given units which allowed us to access the recorded description of all that we were seeing. It was great because each person could choose what they wanted to spend time viewing. I enjoyed it and was really impressed by the vivid colors and the immense variety of species that we saw.

The hour came to a close too soon and we were on our way back to Lahiana.

As soon as we disembarked the Bus Janet Bailleys was there greeting us with big hugs.

We chatted and went to Cook Cat for lunch. Janet’s husband is Bob and he seems to be very nice and it is clear that Janet is very happy. We are so happy for her. She deserves to be happy.

After lunch they took us for a drive into the countryside. They took us to a place where they like to sit and watch for wales. They brought lawn chairs and we sat and chatted and watched for wales. We did have several sightings.

Again the time passed too quickly and we had to make our way back to the port.

We were fortunate in that we just walked up and got a tender. We did not have to wait in line at all.

We quickly changed for dinner and headed for the dining room. Tonight’s dessert was a sugar free swan shaped cream puff. Yummy

Because I am fighting this cold and cough we called it a night and came back to our cabin to relax and watch some television. There is a documentary on Hawaiian culture and history.

Tomorrow we are in HILO.

1 comment:

dslrig said...

PLEASE say hello to Janet from me----you were more up-to date than I---!!!
Following your travels daily, all you are missing here is RAIN
Keep a low profile with that cough---don't want to hear the "c to c" words again!
ENJOY Janet and Bob