Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April 23rd, Cartagena

The day went just as planned. The day was sunny and bright and humid right from the beginning. Here are two of our first glimpse at the city

We had room service breakfast and then proceeded to meet the group .We walked the dock, met Dora and proceeded to the gathering place inside Oasis Park. This is  a beautiful natural preserve with flamingo and peacock and macaws.and beautiful plants. Of course there is a gift shop.

We met our guide JC and our driver Jack and we piled into our bus. There were 18 of us in the group
The first stop was the view from LaPopa

We entered the garden of the Monastery and then went inside the chapel and saw the altar.

Our next stop was San Felipe de Barajas Fort. We did not go inside but we drove around it and had a photo op.

JC showed us many of the very old historic buildings. All the while we were being followed by vendors trying to sell us anything.

We visited San Pedro Claver church. This priest was known and the protector of slaves and he was canonized.

In the square was a bronze statue of a reclining lady. She is obviously obese. We were told that large women were considered beautiful and desirable . Skinny meant poor and not enough to eat. Large meant you were from a well off family who could afford to feed you well. Oh for the good old days!1

 In Cartagena you often see living statues. Here is one.

Our next stop was a visit to the Emerald Museum. It was fascinating. We were told about the process and the differences between emeralds. We saw a young lady polishing a stone and of course we saw many beautiful pieces of jewelry.

Our last stop was the Cathedral of Saint Catolina

The strange thing here was the fact that they had electric bulbs instead of voltives.

The tour was great and except for being pestered by annoying vendors we enjoyed our day.

We managed to stay away from the sellers for the most part. In one of the stores we found a perfect parrot for Ken to use with his pirate costume. I got a Panama Hat. I love it. Pictures later.

It was hot and the humidity was very high so we were very happy to get back to the air conditioned ship and a shower. The rest of the day was like the others, eating, napping, and attending the show.
Tomorrow we go through the canal. Transit begins at 6:00am


Bob and Janet said...

Following daily.....and today watching your transit in the Bridge Cam.
Bob and Janet

Comquot said...

Ken is sorry he did not wave to you. He was on deck 10 early of course.!!