Thursday, April 25, 2019

Puerto Amador

This was our day in the Panama area. We had decided to stay on board and enjoy the amenities of the ship. The weather was perfect. It was sunny but not too hot and the water was still with only a slight ripple. There was a very slight breeze.

This would be a perfect day to eat on the balcony. Lots of ships to watch entering and leaving the canal. Perfection !!!

We had ordered a champagne breakfast and this was the day we were to get it.

We had ordered breakfast for nine o'clock and Milan arrived at five to nine. He brought all of the food and a tablecloth and all of the necessities. He opened the champagne and he took our pictures.

The food was amazing and there was so much of it. Here is the first course.

More food:

We ate the quiche lorraine and we had some champagne and we ate one pastry and drank coffee.
The rest of it we put aside and that would be eaten for lunch. In fact there is a dish of smoked salmon and some pastries left to eat tomorrow. 

After eating we decided to take a tender ashore and look around the cruise center. We bought a bottle of wine and I had a Popsicle. Ken found Canada Dry and that pleased him. We did not stay long because it began to get very hot. We took a tender back. On the way back I got a picture of our flag on our balcony.

As I wrote last evening we have not had people coming to our dinner table. One lady Carol does join us and last evening she suggested that we make balloon heads and put them at the empty 7 chairs so it looked like we had company. The more we thought about it the funnier it got. So we went to EFFY's and got balloons. At three Carol came to our room and we spent the next hour or more cutting and pasting. Here is what we did.

Our special guests were a sensation. Everyone loved them and we gave lots of people a smile.

We removed the balloons and Carol took two and we took the rest. Tomorrow is a Formal Night and the balloon people cannot come to dinner because they do not have formal clothes. They may return later.

We came back to the stateroom with the balloon people in a bag. Because my name had been drawn on the Wake Show my prize was on the bed. 

A pretty good end to a pretty darn good day.

Tomorrow we are at sea on our was to Costa Rica.

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