Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Day of the Transit

We got up early and spent the day going from one viewpoint to another.
The day was very hot and very humid so I did not stay outside for long at any one time.
I spent a lot of time enjoying the view from our balcony. When I got hot I would cool off in our wonderful air conditioned stateroom.
On one of those times our stateroom steward PINKY took my picture wearing my new Panama hat.

First thing I did was mount our Canadian flag and the poster we made on the outside of our glass partition of our balcony. I was outside for pictures when the Princess photographers arrived.

Here are some pictures we took and some we stole from the television.

It was a great day.

Again tonight those people who are supposed to dine with us have not appeared. Carol is the only regular so we are three at a table for ten.
Carol and I have decided to have some fun tomorrow night. We are going to put balloons in each
chair and decorate them like people so we will have friends to dine with. I have 9 balloons in our shower and tomorrow afternoon at three Carol is going to come here and we are going to decorate the balloons with faces and hair and mustaches etc. Then we are going to go early to the dining room and tape the friends to each chair. It should bring a lot of smiles to the people in that area of the dining room. I guess our table has become a topic of conversation because we are at an almost empty table.

The entertainment was a comedian Magician from Canada. He was hilarious, named Jean Boucher. He uses people from the audience during his act. Tonight all five were from BC; two from Chilliwack and 3 from Vancouver.

Tomorrow we are at anchor and tendering into Panama city. Because we have been there 3 other times we have decided to stay on board. We are going to be enjoying the Champagne Breakfast in our room. It will arrive at nine and we will dine and enjoy the coolness of our stateroom

Our wonderful trip continues.

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