Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday April 22

This was a very nice day, sunny and clear. All of the Easter decorations are gone:-(

We got up fairly early and we went to the dining room for breakfast.
On the way we stopped at the library and entered the Wake Show contest.

The people who were at our breakfast table with us were a lot of fun and breakfast took over an hour and a half.
We roamed a bit and then went to the Princess Theatre. There was a lecture on Panama  and the canal. The lecturer was very good and even though we had heard it all before he made it interesting and fun. He had some amazing pictures. I stole several of them because there is no way I will get pictures that are that good. I will share them with you on the day that we transit.

It was an amazing day and we spent some time out on the balcony watching the flying fish.

We had fruit for lunch and then we had a short nap. Still adjusting to the time zone change.

Then we went for an ice cream and a stroll around the ship. We could not believe how empty it seemed. We are accustomed to the bigger ships with 2 or 3 times as many passengers. I think this ship has around 2000 passengers. Anyway there were so many places where there were only a few people.

After our walk we came back here and began getting ready for dinner. The ELITE lounge is opened at 4:30 and our meal time is 5:15 so we decided to check it out.
The food was very good, smoked salmon and cheeses and pickles etc. Ken ordered a Port lemonade and I had a Deep Sea. The deep sea is made with Blue Curacao and it is that beautiful teal color. That is why I choose it. Actually it was quite tasty.

Dinner was great as usual. They had a Norman Love dessert and I was good and I had the sugar free one.

Another couple showed up. They are from Victoria. Last night they did special dining. I have no idea where the other 2 couples are. Our waiter Bayou said that his sheet says there should be 10 people at the table. Sometimes I wonder about people.

After dinner we came back to the cabin and I changed. Then we went to the show in the Princess Theatre. The comedian is named Steve Moris. He once sang with the Beach Boys but now his main forte is comedy. He had people rolling in the aisles.
I have noticed that this group of passengers is more ready to laugh and take part. They are not kids but they seem to be a party group.

Right now Ken is watching a hockey game... a major shock because this is the first hockey game we have ever see played on a Princess ship.

Tomorrow we are supposed to be docking in Cartagena. The stop is a short one. We dock at eight and sail at two.

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