Sunday, April 21, 2019

Catching up

We had the clock set for 6 and we woke just before that. I made breakfast and packed us a lunch and we were ready to leave the house at 7:25. The goal was 7:30 so we were doing fine. It was raining but there was little or no traffic because it was Good Friday. It seemed strange to not have hundreds of cars in view as we traveled. We arrived at Kerri's at 8:25. The city is so beautiful right now. Cherry blossoms everywhere. I love how beautiful this city is.

We had almost an hour to visit with Emmie and Leo. Of course Kerri and Stewart as well. We brought bags for them as is our tradition. 

We got a cab to the airport and again the traffic was light. We were checked in and through security by 10:15. The flight was scheduled to leave at 12:35 so we had lots of time to roam.

For some reason I could not connect to the internet so I read a little and we ate our lunch before boarding. The flight was uneventful and I passed the time reading my book and Ken listened to music on his MP3 player.

We arrived in Denver early, almost a half hour early. But the first thing we saw on the board that our flight was delayed. It would be delayed and our gate would be changed a few times. It gave us time to explore. This was a sign we did not expect to discover.

 Who knew that the bathroom was the safest place to be during a tornado???

We kept getting new departure times and to keep people calm the DOG arrived. This is Miles the therapy dog. You could pet him if you were missing your own dog or feeling stressed. He is a great dane and was the size of a small pony.

After about three hours of waiting United gave out drinks and snacks for all of us. Then at the 4 hour mark they gave out vouchers that could be used to get food. We each got 10 dollars and because we had eaten we chose to get dried fruit to use for snacking on board.

We arrived in FLL around 3:30 and after a frustrating hour of waiting for our shuttle to the Best Western we called a cab. We arrived, checked in and turned off the lights at 5:03. The day was too long.

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