Saturday, April 27, 2019


Just before we left home Rose lent me a book that she thought I might enjoy. Educated by Tara Westover. I took it with me on this trip. I read some of it on the plane and sort of picked at it while on the ship. Well yesterday I was so into the book that I forgot all about writing the blog or checking E-Mail. Just before I fell asleep last evening I remembered.

So here is a quick snap shop of our sea day.
Early breakfast, destination lecture, sale shopping, lunch with friends, wine tasting, Captains Circle party, formal night dinner with lobster and the chocolate journey, the show Motor City, preparation for today and bed.

So that is all we did. I took very few pictures, If there is anything worthy of posting I will do that this evening.

We are in Costa Rica today and we have an all day tour with Thumbs Up Tours. The description of that tour is next.

Have a good day.

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