Monday, April 22, 2019

April 23st CARTAGENA

I have made arrangement for a private tour in Cartagena. Here is the information I received before I booked.

April 23  2019
Cartagena is a beautiful city and it will be nice for you to take a well organized tour. It can be the “highlight” of your cruise.


We begin our tour in Manga where we will see great mansions built at the beginning of the XX Century.  
We visit the main monuments of the city.  We start at the hill of La Popa from where, besides visiting the monastery and the chapel, we will be able to admire a fantastic view of the city.  Following we head towards the San Felipe de Barajas Fort, themost important fort built in the whole American continent.Photo Stop. Next we walk and drive around the walled area - old city admiring houses and plazas such as Plaza de Santa Teresa, Plaza de Bolivar, Plaza de la Aduana, Plaza de los Coches, full of history and legends. Photo stop at the Palace of the Inquisition.

We do a stop at the Dungeons, which today are 23 handcraft shops. (option to walk the walls)

We Visit a Church called San Pedro Claver Church.

Time 4:00 hours

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