Sunday, January 27, 2019

Turn Around Day

January26, Turn around day,

Because this is turn around day things are a bit crazy on board. So many people scurrying around. So going one way and others going the other. The room stewards are especially busy getting ready for the people who are about to arrive. They are having a bit of a break today because 840 passengers are doing what we are doing. They are staying on board for a second week.

We got dressed and went down to breakfast. There was a line up outside the door of Allegro so we decided to go up to deck 16 and have breakfast in Horizon Court. This was the first time we have gone there. We tend to stay away from the buffett to avoid eating too much. We visited with a nice couple and enjoyed a good breakfast.
After breakfast we just rested in our rooms .

Then it was time to head for the Princess Theatre. All returning passengers had to meet there to go through immigration. This is routine. Everyone of the passengers has to disembark before anyone can embark. Usually it is pretty routine. We checked in using our cards and when immigration was ready we filed out to show them our passports. This involved leaving the ship, going to a large warehouse type building and waiting until all passengers have been checked, then returning. As you can imagine this was quite the procedure when it involved 840 people.

We are all lined up in snake like lines and we are told that we have not readhed zero. Some people have decided not to follow instruction and leave the ship. This means that the Princess people have to search the ship and find them. On one occasion they located an entire family in the fitness center. I do not know where they were yesterday but when they finally arrived they got quite the reception. 838 people booed and jeered at the top of their lungs. We had stood in those lines for almost a half hour because someone decided that the rules did not apply to them. That routine had been announced many times and it was sent as a memo to every room. AAACH!

Then we went back to our room and I gathered up the computer and the notes on photos and I went to deck six and settled near a rotor. I was able to catch up on the blog and download lots of pictures.

I got back to the room right at noon and Ken and I headed to the dining room for lunch since it was noon.

. This was a cloudy rainy gray day. There were several ships in port including 3 Princess ships but there were time when you could not see them because of the fog. This was the first day of no sun when we were in Fort Lauderdale.

We were meeting for pre dinner drinks at 5:15 and the we were going to the crown Grill for dinner. This is a specialty dinning room that is a steak house. There is an extra charge for this.
We do not routinely go here because the food in the dining rooms is just as good and they serve too much food and especially for me most is wasted.

We were very impressed with the special dining area that we were seated it. It was almost as fancy as the places where they serve Chef's Table.

The young lady who plays classical violin was right opposite our table and it was almost as if we were given a private performance.

After dinner we came back to our room. I began watch the movie called The Klan and it was not a comedy even though it was billed that way. I gave up after 45 minutes and called it a night

Tomorrow we are at Princess Cays.

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