Monday, January 28, 2019

Tuesday January 29th, Puerto Rico

We have never been to San Juan before and we are very curious to see this island. Randy booked a tour for us. It is of the Rain Forrest

The oldest city under the American flag, San Juan vibrates to a lively salsa beat. There's an unmistakable zest in the air here. Perhaps it's the stunning natural setting: the verdant peaks, tropical forests, and gleaming white-sand beaches. Or maybe it's Puerto Rico's mix of cultures, the blend and occasional clash of four centuries of Spanish heritage overlaid with a century spent as America's only Commonwealth. Whatever the reason, San Juan is one of the most enticing ports in the Caribbean, and it only gets lovelier with age.
EL YUNQUE NATIONAL FOREST. This is the part of the rain forest most popular among tourists, it is a historic and beautiful piece of the island. We will stop at Coco Falls and from there Yokahu tower which has just reopened. I will then take you to a local place to swim (conditions permitting) and feed the fish. From El Yunque we will take the beach road back to San Juan and stop for lunch. 

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