Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Our Day in Roatan.

A Fabulous Day!!!

We had a tour of Roatan , booked by Randy. It was to begin when we disembarked and it was to include a driving tour with the 6 of us in a van. It turned out to be a group of 8 but since it was a large van it was not a problem. Because it was a private tour we had quite a walk to meet our guide Stanley. But these inconveniences were minor compared to how special our tour was.

First stop was a view point and there were crafters there . I found the perfect gift for Emmett.

Next we went to the national park and we visited with monkeys, sloths, toucans, and Macaws.
It was so much fun. The sloth was a whole lot like the Koalas bear in temperament.

Then we went to the chocolate factory. We were given an explanation of the procedure and of course there were free samples.

Then came the rum factory complete with free samples

There is a former lighthouse and Ken climbed it.

For lunch we went to local eatery and we ate local food. Ken had the snapper and I had the Iguana.
The iguana was salty and it did taste a lot like a cross between rabbit and chicken

Then we made our way back to the ship. We shopped and Ken got a new hat.

Back here and got wine glasses because the gang is coming here for pre dinner drinks.

The day was grand. We had a wonderful time and experienced many new things.

I have discovered that the internet is much faster when I use my computer downstairs outside of the Internet cafe. So you will be getting pictures with each days news from now on.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Just catching up with your travels...I so remember our day in Brisbane when you had your photo done with the koalas. The zoo in Roatan looks good.