Monday, January 28, 2019

Princess Cays

Princess Cays,
We were keeping our fingers crossed that we would be able to visit Princess Cays.
We were lucky. It was a great sunny day.
We had breakfast in the dining room and then returned to get our swim suits and other necessities to spend some time on shore.

It was warm but there was a very nice breeze. When leaving the tender we headed to the right side because it is usually less busy. We luckily found a wonderful spot under palm trees . We were close to washrooms and food and a bar and lots of lounges. Perfect!!

I made the mistake of assuming I had no worries about burning. I was soooooooooooo wrong. I have quite a good burn, more so on my left. I also made the mistake of wearing my sunglasses so I am doing a great imitation of a raccoon today.

We had a very nice lunch of hot dogs and salad and fruit and banana bread. Then around 2 we returned to the ship.

It was back on the ship that I discovered that I got burned. Even the front of my legs is burned.

We had a nap and got ready for our evening meal. I had the chicken for the first time and I cannot say I will have it again.

After dinner we went to the theatre to hear the comedian. He was very good but I felt that the comedian from last cruise was better.

Time to call it a night we are at sea tomorrow.

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