Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Our Visit to San Juan

This was our day to visit San Juan. Randy had arranged a private tour here as well.
The day dawned warm and sunny so we knew we needed to take hats and sunglasses.
I was really surprised to see what a big modern city San Juan was. Somehow I expected to a more rural setting and I expected to see a lot of hurricane damage. There are 5 large ships in port today so it may just be a zoo. I am glad we have a private tour.

We had breakfast in our room and then we met the gang at the International Cafe.

Around 8:45 we disembarked and headed for the CVS drug store which was right across from the place where the ship was docked. Our guide Ellis met us almost on time.

He was driving a Ford SUV and it really was a bit small for 6 adults. Ken and I were seated in the back and getting in and out was a bit of a challenge.

Basically Ellis drove us around for 3 hours with a few photo stops. We visited the El Junque National Forest.. Getting there involved lots of hills and switch backs. Much to my surprise I did not get motion sick.

The first stop was Copper Falls. It was not very dramatic now but Ellis told us there were torrents of water falling during wet times.

Next we went to the tower. This spot provided several great Photo Opportunities. Ken climbed to the top. I did not. He reported that it was a very easy climb with nice wide steps.

We stopped at a spot where Ellis fed fish. I forget what type of fish it was but apparently they use them as bait fish. Once the food reached the water there was almost a feeding frenzy.

Then we went to Canovanas Beach. It was beautiful, almost an idyllic tropical setting. We took pictures and then we went into a local eatery and had lunch. We took Ellis' recommendation and we had a kind of Bar b que chicken Kebob. It was very tasty and the cost was 3 dollars each. I had a diet coke and Ken had a local beer.

Ellis drove us back to San Juan and Ken and Randy returned to the ship and the rest of us strolled back passing wonderful colorful buildings, the fort and lots of vendors.

Our tour had come to an end.
It was not bad because the vehicle was new and had great air conditioning. Ken and I were a bit cramped. Ellis talked continually and we learned a lot about the history of Puerto Rico. Unfortunately he did now have a mic and it was very difficult to hear what he was saying.

We shopped a little and I bought a sea glass necklace. Then we returned to the ship.

We have a full days excursion booked for tomorrow so we will be taking it easy tonight.

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