Thursday, February 2, 2023


 This is February 1st and we will be spending the day in Moorea. There is a lovely sunrise and this island looks like the tropical paradise we all imagine. Lush greens and turquoise waters. There are several reefs which cause the waves to break and add to the beauty of it all.

This is our first tender port so we are not in a hurry. We had a leisurely breakfast, gathered our things and headed to get a tender ticket. We had to wait about 5 minutes and then we were on our way. The tender ride was quite smooth and it lasted less than 10 minutes.

This island is part of the Society Islands of French Polynesia and is only 11 miles northwest of Tahiti.

Tourism is very important so they greet us with smiles and songs. When you disembark the tender you are in the heart of a small market that features local crafts with an emphasis on black pearls. The selection is amazing .

We strolled a little and I was on the hunt for a decoration for my Around the World tree. I found what I think is a very nice one. It is a basket decorated with black pearls ( not real ones) and made of woven grasses and marked with the word Moorea. The cost was a thousand franks or 10 US dollars. I thought that was a bit high but is seems to be the going rate for Xmas tree ornament type crafts.

It is about 3 inches by 2 inches.

The temperature was around eighty and there was a lovely breeze. We walked a little and I saw a date palm as well as many coconut palms. Of course we heard chickens.

Before long it was time to catch the tender and head back to the ship. I was able to get a couple of great pictures of the ship as we returned.

The rest of the day was what has become routine. Lunch, nap, dinner etc. But this is a duck day... a day to hide a duck.

While looking for a good place to hide the duck I spent some time in the conservatory. This is usually one of my favorite places on the ship. This is where the covered pool is but on a sunny tropical day it is entirely too hot.

We completed the day with a visit to Good Spirits. I have what I think is the beginning of a cold and sore throat. I decided to have a drink of brandy to soothe it. I will be drinking lots and popping vitamin pills today to try and stave it off. 

Tomorrow is a sea day and it is a formal night.


Kim M said...

Beautiful photos, it all looks amazing! I love the little basket for your tree!

sandy in spain said...

Don't you just love black pearls....another cute memento for the tree. hope your throat improves soon

Unknown said...

Dear Carolyn and Ken;
Love the photo's and you will enjoy the little basket on your tree next Christmas-so many many memories.
I put in comments each day but I don't believe you have received them.
The South Pacific is so very very beautiful and you are missing all the snow rain and very cold weather - lucky, lucky you.
Do pray your sore throat and cold improves greatly. You are doing all you can and so glad it isn't Covid.
Continue to have fun. hugs Marg