Friday, February 10, 2023

Auckland Day 22, Friday Feb.10

 Again I am pretty sure that it is Thursday in Abbotsford when I write this. But maybe not.

Sandwiched between two harbors Auckland sits on New Zealand's North Island across from South Island , separated by Cook Strait.

Anyway we did not book an excursion for Auckland because we had been here before and we decided to do the Hop on Hop Off bus. Well they had flooding in Auckland and that resulted in having to alter the route of the bus. The principal company decided to cancel altogether. But there was another company so we left the ship with plans to travel on it. 

The Coral Princess was also in Auckland. The passengers on the Island learned that their excursion on the bus was canceled. Adding both of these issues together meant that the one company that was running was overwhelmed. When we arrived at the kiosk they had discontinued ticket sales. We were out of luck.

So we decided to walk around and explore on our own. This led to a very unexciting morning in Auckland. I did find Xmas decorations for my tree and I took a lot of photos.

During our walk we discovered a very nice pedestrian mall. It was bright and clean and bustling with activity. There were many high end shops.

We noted that some of the building had what we thought might be reinforcement to minimize earthquake damage.

We explored for almost 3 hours and returned to the ship. Neither one of us seems to be up to walking on concrete for very long.

The show was a Johnny Cash tribute and it was very good. A coke with Pauline and Leo at Good Spirits finished our day.

Tomorrow we are to be in Tauranga.

We have been informed that sail away will be at 5:00 and not at 7:45 as scheduled. Also there will not be a folkloric show tomorrow evening. The reason is we will be running from a cyclone. I do not know the name of it yet but it could be an exciting sea day . As Rachel Maddow says Watch This Space.

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