Sunday, February 26, 2023

Interesting Couple of Days

 Sunday February 26th,

There was another interesting day. 

The captain announced that there would be a medical evacuation and all of the top deck had to be cleared. We were told to stay off of our balcony because the evacuation would affect the port side balconies.

We were able to get a picture and all went well with the procedure after the third try. We do not know what the problem was or how the person made out.

We did hide a duck on Saturday and it did get found.

Our Saturday luncheon date got cancelled because Julia is ill with a bad cold.

We will not do church in the  morning because with the time change it will be 3:30 am our time for the service tomorrow . But we did attend the service in the Princess Theatre this morning. It was done by volunteers but it was very well done. The music was lovely and the service was well attended.

The captain announced a few hours ago that we will not be making the stop at Darwin, a very big storm is on its way and the harbour authority at Darwin has advised against trying to dock. So we will be hunkered down tomorrow. I see lots of Gravol in my day tomorrow.

I probably will not try to post tomorrow. I see lots of naps in my day. I have an extra ornament that I can use for Darwin.


sandy in spain said...

So sorry you will miss Darwin, you've missed a few ports this cruise, .....the weather is not being kind to you :-(

Bob and Janet said...

Too bad that you are missing another port....have to catch it next time! Meanwhile, enjoy having others make your bed and meals!