Wednesday, February 22, 2023

At Sea, Day 4 of segment 2

 Quite uneventful and very relaxing is the usual with Sea days.

Had breakfast, went to a lecture, relaxed, had lunch, had a nap, got ready and went to dinner, went to a show in the theatre and then returned to the cabin to relax and call it a day. 

Some might call it boring but for me it is heaven, to have little or no responsibilities and to have my every need taken care of without even asking. Heavenly! 

The lecture on this day, Tuesday here and maybe Monday there, was about Cairns ( pronounced CANS)

That will be our port in a couple of days. Learned a lot and plan to go ashore if it is not raining. We do not have an excursion . We were here before and the highlight was a ride on the Kuranda Scenic Railway. The scenery was wonderful and it was a clear sunny day. It is expected to rain when we are there on the 23rd. In this area of the world a lot of the excursions involve snorkling which is not my idea of a good time. Even though I was born on the water I am very nervous in it , basically I am a big chicken when it comes to water if it is deeper than I am tall.

The evening entertainment featured a production show... On the Bayou. As usual it features wonderful singing and dancing, amazing music and wonderfully quick costume changes. We had seen this one before but there were some changes. Some of the songs were different and the choreography had changed.

After the show we relaxed and enjoyed the balcony and another beautiful tropical evening.

Since I am having a hard time knowing what day it is I didn't realize that it was Shrove Tuesday and I did not have pancakes. Perhaps I will tomorrow when it is Pancake day there.

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