Saturday, February 4, 2023

At Sea, Day 16, Friday , February 3,2023

 You now know the day I am reporting about. 

I woke early and worked on the blog. Then Ken and I went to breakfast in the dining room. Next I got ready and went to the destination lecture. Today Deb was talking about our stops in New Zealand.

We have not been there before so we have an excursion. It is a trip on a catamaran to visit the Bay of Islands. It looks like an absolutely gorgeous place and if the weather and my camera co-operates you should see several wonderful pictures. Of course we get to see and perhaps tour a lighthouse during this excursion. The theatre was full , she draws a great crowd.

We have become friends with a couple from Kansas and we made plans to meet them for lunch each week. The plan was Saturday but since we are in Pago Pago on Saturday the lunch date was changed to Friday for this week. Their names are Julia and Ken Yano

In the afternoon I had a rest and got ready for the Captains Circle party and Ken went to the astrology lecture.

I still have this cold but it has now become the monster I was expecting. I hope it continues to be mild and is not just waiting to bowl me over.

It was sunny in the morning but it became gray later in the day. They have forecast rain for today but I can see blue sky right now. We will try to go to shore in between showers. We do not have an excursion but I need to shop for a Xmas ornament.

We headed to the party as soon as we were finished dinner. There was quite a line up to get into Explorers. There has to be 4 parties this year because the venue is smaller and the numbers are larger.

The captain was at the party and the room had lovely flowers and a live band entertained us while we enjoyed a rum punch.

The captain was very chatty and he told us that the status of the passenger who was air lifted is still unknown but he will give us an update when he has any news.

As usual 3 bottles of champagne were drawn for. We did not win again.:-(

I am always anxious to hear the numbers for the cruises and here they are for this World Cruise.

( Keep in mind that some passengers are not doing the entire cruise but only part of it. Leo and Pauline disembark in Sydney)

First time cruisers.......343

Gold cruisers .............263

Ruby cruisers............110

Platinum cruisers......463

Elite cruisers..............772

Now the most interesting numbers...The days at sea with Princess


!st place ................. 266 cruises with 2502 days at sea

2nd place................101 cruises with 2054 days at sea

3rd place ................188 cruises with 1907 days at sea

Us.............................. 53 cruises with 537 days at sea. 

We heard that there is a couple on this ship for whom this is their 7th, yes seventh world cruise.

That brought our day to an end. I decided it was best to rest and continue to try to beat this cold. After today there are a couple of sea days so that should give me time to get rid of this. So far no coughing and not really stuffy just a sore throat basically.


sandy in spain said...

Hope you feel better in the next few days and your cold doesn't make you feel too not give it to Ken, you know what men are like....Perhaps you need something stronger than a dirty banana 😁

sandy in spain said...

Don't know if you follow this blog, Bill and Mary Ann are in New Zealand at the moment (they do a world cruise every year..apart from Covid years)