Friday, February 24, 2023

Cairns, Day 6, February 23

 Cairns, pronounced CANS,

We are scheduled to arrive at 10:00 which is later than usual. So we get up and have a leisurely breakfast and watch the sail in.

This seems to be a beautiful city. We are docked right along side the Coral Princess and we are right in the city. The Coral arrived first so we get a great view of her as we pull in .

We do not have an excursion here but because the city is right there we will feel quite comfortable walking around. They have directional signs along the walkway. These are quite reassuring as we make our way. They have placed some lovely sculptures along the pathway.

The city is beautiful and clean and friendly. The boulevards are planted with a similar ground cover to the ones they use in Florida. They are easy to walk on and it is good for Ken's hip to get off of the cement.We come to a beautiful path that has wonderful trees overhanging it and creating an archway.

I did find a Xmas tree decoration for Cairns. It is made of resin but is not too heavy.

As we were walking back I heard a strange sound. It was sort of like a combination of a purr and a growl. After searching the underbrush ( with my eyes) I saw this wonderful looking long legged bird. I have no idea what it is or was.

If you look very closely you can see part of what is probably its mother.

When we returned to the ship we were able to get pictures of the 2 ships lined up at the dock.

After dinner we sat out on the balcony and enjoyed the evening views and sounds. 

The next 3 days will be sea days and then will be our last port of Australia.....Darwin


sandy in spain said...

Colourful christmas decoration,I picture it as being about 2 or 3 inches but your comment about weight makes me think it is bigger. so you'll be able to add some tinsel. Next stop Darwin...we loved it there and had a river cruise which included feeding some of the jumping crocodiles from the boat. Enjoy
John just remembered our visit to the tourist office there, not so much the office, but the scantily clad show girls in sequins and feathers outside the office :-)

Kim M said...

Love all the pictures! So nice to see you enjoying! Special times! And the information you provide is always so interesting.

Gary and Debbie S. said...

Love all the colors on the ornament. Beautiful place.