Friday, June 7, 2019

Morning comes early

We usually sleep with our balcony drapes opened. This morning I awoke with a bright sun filled room. The sun was shining like a new penny and it was only ten passed four.
I closed the curtains and went back to sleep. That is entirely too early for me.

Breakfast began at seven so we went early and we were seated at a table for 8. Two ladies were from BC, Langley and Kamloops. The other 2 couples were from Texas and IOWA.
The men kept their caps on all through breakfast. You know how hard it was for me to not say anything about their bad manners.
After that we met with the Captain's Circle rep and gave her all of the information she needed. I guess we are number 2 for the most traveled. There is a lady on board who is celebrating her 91st birthday today. She is celebrating by going Zip Lining at Icy Strait. This is her 87th cruise so I suspect she will be number one. We are to meet Alicia 15 minutes before the party on Monday and she will escort us to our seats. I expect we will meet this special cruiser at that time.

We have an excursion this afternoon so I will fill you in on our adventure when we return.

1 comment:

Janet said...

We both think you did admirably, Carolyn, to hold your comments back on the men with caps on at a dining table!
Ya just gotta wonder what it is!!!