Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Last Day of Cruise ONE

This is the last day of this cruise and lots will happen.
We slept a little later than usual and then went to the dining room for breakfast. We had great company and lots of chatter.

After breakfast  we headed for the Princess Theatre because this is the day for the culinary demonstration. The chef and the Maitre d' were even funnier than we expected. The theatre was full and everyone seemed to have a good time. We did not do the galley tour.

We came back to the room and I took Ken's shirt to get it ironed. We had to dress for our special lunch with the captain. Because we are the second most traveled we had to make certain that we were properly dressed. Elegant Casual was the description.

We were announced and the first step was to get your picture taken with the captain.

We were sat with the others who were honoured last evening. So because we met them the night before it was like visiting with old friends.

The food was great and the captain was very easy to visit with.

We really enjoyed our special lunch.

Dessert was a new to us Norman Love creation. YUMMY!!!!

We decided to take our bottle of champagne to dinner so we could share it with our table mates.

We answered all of their question and gave them more information than they ever thought they wanted.But we still left friends.
Hugs and good wishes all around.

Then is was back to the cabin to change clothes and get bundled up because tonight we view the glaciers of College Fjord.
Unfortunately it was raining; just a light misty rain but it spoiled the views. The colors were grays and the mountain tops were shrouded.

Tomorrow we are in Whittier. Whether or not we disembark will be decided by the weather. We have been here three other times and if it is raining we will stay on board to enjoy our own private yacht.


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