Friday, June 7, 2019

Another Good Day

This was another good day,
We relaxed and napped and read and walked and just took it easy.
This was the first formal night and so we got gussied up. Then we enjoyed the band, the champagne and the introduction of the officers.

When we got back here our invitation to the Most Traveled Guests luncheon was waiting for us. The luncheon is on Tuesday June 11. We will get to sit at the Captain;s table since we are one of the 3 most traveled. It is exciting to be sure.

Tomorrow we are are Icy Strait. Because this is a new port of call for Princess it will be new for everyone. We do not arrive until noon and we are there until ten at night. No need to get up early tomorrow.

It was cool today. We are glad we brought warm clothes.

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