Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Turn Around Day

This is called Turn Around Day because it is the day we turn around and begin our journey south. This is as far north as we will go.
Most of the passengers will disembark and either head for the land part of their cruise tour or they will head to Anchorage and their flight home.
I do not yet know how many passengers stayed on board for the trip to Vancouver.

The part we like best about doing a back to back is not having to pack. No suitcases in the hall for us. At least not this time. Unfortunately that will not be true next Wednesday.

The morning view was great. We could not decide if it was going to clear up or rain.

We slept in a little and then went to the dining room for breakfast. The dining room was quiet which is unusual. Breakfast was tasty as usual. I had French Toast with ham.

Next we returned to our room and got into our swim suits. Time to enjoy the peace and quiet of the hot tubs at the Lotus Pool. This is the covered pool so it is much warmer and quite cozy.

Then we returned to our room to get our cruise cards and head for the Wheelhouse Bar. It is here that we get checked our and then back in for the second cruise.

After check in we got ready and headed to shore. By now it appeared as if the weather would improve so we decided to wear light jackets just in case.

We were so wrong. It got HOT and I do mean hot. It was not long before we were carrying our jackets.The locals said it had rained all of the previous week and they were so glad to see the sun.

 Ken had some clam chowder for lunch. It was supposed to be a cup. The mug it was served it was so large that he was glad that he did not order a bowl. I was still full from breakfast so I passed on lunch.

We did a lot of walking and took a lot of pictures of the beautiful snowy mountains and the amazing waterfalls. We browsed in the shops but all we bought was a piece of fudge.

We strolled for about 2 hours and then headed back to the ship.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing.

Dinner was Prime Rib which Ken had. I had a tapas dinner.

The evening was beautiful and the sun shone like a new penny. We watched as the trains arrived with the new passengers. Joey( our assistant waiter) said that 1200 passengers would arrive this evening.

The safety drill was held as soon as they were on board. Another nice thing about doing a back to back is the fact that you do not have to attend the second one.

Sail away was a treat because we are usually at dinner and do not get to watch but tonight we sailed at 8:30 so we could enjoy it from our balcony. Here are some of the fantastic sights

Tomorrow is called a sea day but we are scenic sailing to the Hubbard glacier.

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