Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Glaciers, Toques, Sequined tops and Champagne

Monday June 10th was a busy memorable day and I took over 70 pictures. I promise not to show all of them to you.

The day began dull and a bit wet. But as we proceeded into Glacier Bay the weather improved. When we reached the face of the Pacific Glacier and the Marjorie Glacier the sun was shining.
I found it so strange that I looked at the scenery differently. Now I look and wonder how I could interpret what I was seeing to put it on canvas. I can hardly wait to get home and try it.

We bundled up and spent most of our time watching from the balcony. Ken went topside once and I spent some time on deck seven. They had plenty of hot chocolate in Horizon Court so I had to make one trip for hot chocolate and cookies. The rangers were on board making certain that we knew what we were looking at. They were broadcast on the open decks and the stateroom television.

I could try to describe the beauty and the majesty of what we were seeing but I would fail miserably so I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

This was our special night. We were the second most traveled guests on the ship. It was formal night and so we were all dressed up and we ate our lobster and then hurried to the Captain's Circle Party.

It was so neat to be there in Explores before anyone else. The three winners were escorted into the room and given seats in the front row. We were introduced to each other and giver a chance to visit until the others were admitted into the area. We were served our favorite drinks...ordered ahead of time... and served all kinds of goodies. I am certain the came around at least 6 times.

The numbers were 750 days for the Stevens , 485 for the Abramsons and 482 for Roseanne Gilley.
There were only 47 Elite on board but 1668 newbies.

After the speaches we were each presented with a bottle of champagne and a gift bag. Inside the bag was a black velvet bag which contained a special keepsake box. This is a box you keep special things like keepsakes inside. It is a special gift to be sure.

At the end of the evening we went to the theatre for the production show ENCORE. A perfect way to end a special memorable day.

Tomorrow is the special luncheon for the most traveled guests another honour.

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