Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Home Safe and Sound

We are home safe and sound. It is because of Ken's driving skills. At one point coming down the Coquahalla we were going at the speed limit and there was a semi in front of us. A jack ass in an SUV decided to move into the space between us and then use his brakes to slow down . I could just see the mess at the bottom of the long steep hill as he ran into the semi and we ran into him. Ken was quick thinking and he was able to avoid running into the fool. Ken laid on his horn and that idiot gave him the finger. I don't think some drivers realize that those big rigs cannot be stopped on a dime.

Anyway we were lucky and we are here at home enjoying a quiet evening. It was beautiful and sunny and bright when we pulled away at 9:15. The sun on the mountains was glorious and the new snow on the peaks made it just that much more beautiful.

Later in the afternoon we got some clouds and when we arrived here in Abbotsford the heavens opened up and it just poured.

BUT we are home and the trailer is unloaded and the first 2 loads of laundry have been done.

We are back to routine already. It will be nice to sleep in our nice warm beds. The furnace is on and the house feels cozy and welcoming.

I reached 25,000 reads on the blog today.. That is quite amazing.

Right now the next travel adventure for the Abramsons is a cruise to Hawaii in January.
Come back then.

Choose to be Happy
We are going this way only once!!!

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