Saturday, September 9, 2017

Got Away Late

Away late,

We did not get away until 5:30. We had mechanical troubles with the trailer hitch and that took time to correct. Our intended first stop was Princeton BC which was not that far. I called and asked them not to give away our spot. We would be late but we would be coming.
We gathered all of the stuff that was sitting in the hall waiting to be loaded into the trailer.

The drive was very nice. I forgot just how beautiful British Columbia is. When we first left it was quite smoky and you could not see the mountains but about an hour along some blue sky appeared and the smell of smoke left.

We arrive at the Princeton Golf Club and RV park around 8:30 so it went very well. The day has been so hectic that it was not too long before we were saying it was time to call it a day and a night. I had packed a lunch and we ate it along the way so it was not necessary to find something to eat.

It was cool so we put our wonderful Pendleton Blanket on the bed and soon we were asleep. There is something cozy about the weight of those blankets. They certainly help you to sleep soundly.

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