Saturday, September 9, 2017


We did not wake up until almost eight o’clock which is very unusual for us. Obviously we slept well. I got breakfast ready and then we did a bit of tidying up in here. After breakfast Ken went to the office to pay. When we arrived last evening the office was closed but since we were told we had site 2 there was not a problem.

In the daylight hours we can see that it is a fairly large park and a lot of the people are obviously full timers. They have their plot nicely landscaped. The one next to us in number one even has a green lawn and a flower bed and a large barbeque. They certainly have it like a home away from home.

We could hear visiting and singing when we pulled in so it is a friendly group. We had wanted to get here earlier so we could play a round of golf perhaps next time.
We are on our way to Osoyoos today. We visit with Sylvia and visit the largest Model Railroad set up in Canada. We can’t wait. I will be keeping my camera busy.

It was sprinkling a little as we pulled away but it did not amount to much and it did not last long. It was quite smoky again this morning. It places it was a lot worse than yesterday and the sun did not break through the smoke

One of the wonderful things about being in this part of the provence is being able to get fresh fruit. Our first stop was the fruit market in Keremeos. It was easy to get into with the rig so we stopped there. They had a wonderful assortment of so many things. I could have bought tons of stuff and would have if I planned to do any canning. But we did get plums and peaches and nectarines and tomatoes and a special jar of cinnamon honey

There is a business called Osoyoos Cottages and they begin promoting their business somewhere after Chilliwack. Instead of using signs they use gigantic Adirondack chairs. They really stand out and you can’t miss them. Who ever thought of doing that had an excellent idea.

When we arrived in Osoyoos it was too early to check into our RV place so we decided to have lunch in town. We found a place to park on one of the side streets and then we walked to Smittys. I had the seniors half waffle with 1 egg and 2 slices of bacon. They added fresh peaches and cinnamon to the waffle. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It was so good.

After eating we decided to walk over to Home Hardware to look for batteries. We needed some for our flashlights. Well never have we seen such a store. It had everything you can ever think of, from the usual hardware items to clothes to pet supplies to Halloween decorations to Xmas decorations to paint supplies to toys to school supplies to barbecues to anything else you can think of. Ken said they did not have HO train stuff so I guess they did not have absolutely everything.

After being blown away by that store we made our way back to the rig and out to NK!MIP RV Park. It is run by First Nations people and it is a very large complex. There is award winning dining, a winery, a SPA, a cultural Center, a golf Course, boat rentals, The resort is open all year. There are 120 lake front sites, over 350 sites in all. It occupies 37 acres. We will need a day just to explore the complex.

Our spot is very nice . It is wide and flat and has a concrete pad on which sits our picnic table. Behind us is the frame for a tee pee.

We called Sylvia and we arranged to meet her and take her out to dinner. We met her at her place at 5:30 . We all walked over to Smitty's and had a very nice dinner. Of course Sylvia could not eat all of hers and I chose not to eat all of mine. It was very nice salmon but as is normal the serving was too large. Ken had the special which was prime rib. He said it was excellent. We visited for quite a while and then we walked back to Sylvia's place.  It is amazing that this woman is ninety years old. She is so sharp and she remembers everything. She kept up a brisk pace on the walk to and from the restaurant.We went up and had a tour of her place. It is really very nice. Not large but plenty big enough.

The Model Train Museum is not opened on Sunday so we have decided to stay here one more day so we can go there. We will be taking Sylvia with us. We have arranged to pick her up at one o'clock on Monday.

Then we returned to the campground and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

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