Monday, September 11, 2017


We began the day with another breakfast featuring fresh peaches. Then after getting routine chores out of the way we went down to the lake. A squirrel greeted us when we arrived at the beach. ken waded in and tested the lake. It will be perfect for non swimmers like myself. It is not too deep and not too cold.

Then we came back to the rig and had lunch. The next move was to go into Osoyoos and pick up Sylvia. We were on our way to the Osoyoos Desert Model Railroad. This is the largest model railroad in Canada with over 18,000 figures, 2 km of track and 45 computer controlled trains. It covers 5000 square feet.
It was created by a husband and wife and daughter and it has been running for 16 years. If you are a model railroad person you can go to

It is truly amazing.
I took 153 pictures and you will be relieved to know I will post only ten.

The smoke is back and when we came out of the building that was very obvious.
The three of us went to DQ and had an ice cream and then we returned Sylvia to her home.

The smoke made for a truly magnificent sunset.

Tomorrow we head to Penticton.

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