Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday continued

After breakfast we decided to investigate the television situation. We discovered much to our surprise that in order to get television you have to use a box which comes from Shaw. Hooking up at the post is not sufficient. We had to go to the office and leave a deposit to get one of those boxes. Once we did that we were able to get reception. This is the first time we have run into that.

Next we decided to go out and find some groceries. We needed milk and bread and some pop. After we got the groceries we were going to get a Starbucks. Suddenly I had the beginnings of one of those sick headaches. I get those blind spots and then the sparkling views. The only answer to this is to take a couple of extra strength aspirin and go right to bed. I did that and it worked. I was feeling much better.
We had soft boiled eggs for lunch and then Ken went into the lake and had a dip. I did not go into the water.

After his dip and the fact that my head ache was gone we went out to further explore. We drove toward Naramata. We stopper at the 7 winery and enjoyed a wine tasting. We had a great visit with the person doing the wine tasting. He is originally from Chezzescook. We bought 3 bottles of wine, one white one rose and one red. It is nice to be able to buy more than one bottle. We are not crossing the border so customs is not a concern. We can buy as much wine as we want .

It was a lovely afternoon but it was a bit breezy. There were white caps on the lake at Naramata. It was so nice.

We returned to Penticton and had dinner and then returned to the rig and called it a night.

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