Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday September 17th

Not as planned.
This day was not as planned but it was very memorable.
We w ent to Ken and Carol's as planned. We arrived around 10:15 and we learned that both places we were supposed to be going were closed. BUT Their son Guy and his wife and inlaws were at a place called Sisters having a Sunday breakfast and we were invited to join them.

So we parked the truck, jumper in their car and away we went.Because we had all had breakfast we just had toast and spent the time visiting. It was so friendly and memorable.
There was a caboose outside so we had to take pictures of course.

On the way back to Ken and Carol's I spied what I thought was a crab apple tree. What I saw was not crab apples but Carol knew just the place to get them. We got 2 ice cream pales and went to the crab apple trees. The first tree we saw was just loaded with wonderful small red apples just perfect for picking. These are the kind of apples that I was accustomed to picking when I lived in Loch Lomond. I was so excited to get them. I will be making crab apple jelly on Thursday. On the ground at the base of the trees were many fallen apples

. Every grove in the sole of my runners and Ken's hiking shoes were filled with what would have to be called apple sauce. Ken was kind enough to help us wash out the bottoms of our shoes. We did not wash our shoes in the sink.tomorrow.

Ken was finally able to reach Kelly Kask after hours of trying. They will not be home so we will not be heading to Canal Flats

Later in the afternoon Carol and I went shopping... and I mean we went shopping. I bought 2 jackets and slacks and tops and I love every single piece. Such nice things and such bargains. Carol had luck finding things she liked too. It just made my vacation to find so many things that I liked.

We came back and we sat on the deck and enjoyed the views of the lake and the ducks. We had great pizza for supper .

The great day was finished with a rip roaring game of Dominoes. I won!!!

We said our good byes and away we went. We will be heading back to Abbotsford tomorrow. The forecast is for snow in the mountains so we hope to out run it.

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