Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday August 12

The day began at a very slow pace. We were not in a hurry at all. It was very cool t. rhis morning so much so that we had the electric heater on. We stayed under the nice warm covers awhile longer .
We were leaving this morning and check out was at eleven so that was the aim.
We cleaned up and took out garbage and did the usual stuff.

As we were about to pull out a flock of quail decided to pay us a little visit.

We headed for Penticton and arrived there around noon. We are at a very nice RV park and our spot is right on the lake shore. I was very remiss and did not take pictures of the site. But I will take pictures and post them tomorrow.
After lunch we finished setting up and then my son Jason paid us a visit. We visited for almost three hours, catching up on a lot of news. It certainly is strange to see your son with gray hair. Just where has the time gone??

After Jason left we hurriedly got ready to go and pick up Ken's cousin Joan.
On the drive over we could see the smoke hanging in the air. It gave a strange look to everything including the water in the lake. The lake water seemed to be reflecting the layer of brown smoke.

 Joan has lived here in Penticton for many years. We visited for awhile and then the three of us went to a wonderful little Greek restaurant and had dinner. We showed her the pictures of our new place and made certain that she knew she was welcomed to come and visit at any time. Again we forgot to take pictures.:-(

We drove her home and returned to the RV.  We do not have the television hooked up so it will be a quiet evening.

The plan is to stay here again tomorrow night. Wineries and fruit stands are on the agenda for tomorrow and then we will be at Canyon Hot Springs on Thursday.

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