Saturday, September 16, 2017

Friday to Strathmore

Friday September 15,      
We woke early and got up early because we wanted to get a good start.
Temperatures had dropped during the night and the trailer was not comfortable. We were not long getting dressed and getting out to the truck. We took our coffee with us. Much to our shock and dismay
There was frost on the windshield and the temperature read one degree Celsius


We bade Canyon Hot Springs a fond farewell and headed down the road with the heater working well and hard. It was 8:45 when we pulled away which was not too bad considering that we aimed at leaving at nine.

The day was sunny and bright in the morning. I am always blown away by the sheer beauty of the mountains in this area of the world.

We ran into heavy smoke after we left the Rogers Pass area. It was heavy but it did not last too long.

There was quite a bit of construction happening and that slowed us down. One thing we noticed was the fact that they were building crossings for the animals to use. We saw several that were obviously older because they had full grown trees and grasses on them. These structures are really quite amazing.

We stumbled through Calgary using 16th avenue. We hit so many red lights that we lost count. Ken was not pleased to put it mildly. Next time we will use 201… that we know it exhists.

Ken and Carol met us at Strathmore and showed us the way to this camp ground. Once we were set up we followed them to their home.
It is a lovely place and it just suits them. Carol has it decorated like a little doll house.

Carol had made a wonderful beef stew and Saskatoon pie. It was delicious and we enjoyed every morsel of that feast. What is better than good homemade beef stew??
We enjoyed a beautiful sunset on their little lake. We spent a couple of hours visiting and then Ken and I returned here.

Ken and Carol will pick us up around tenish tomorrow and we are going out to Drumheller. It should be a fun day. The last time I was there it was 1966. I expect to find that a LOT has changed.

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