Sunday, February 8, 2015

Exciting and busy!

The day began quite clear. We were able to see the top of the mountain from our balcony. I was even able to get a picture of the Keck Observatory telescopes. I stood on the balcony just enjoying the arrival of the ship. The captains of these ships always amaze me with their skill. The silence was suddenly broken by a blowing sound. I looked and there just a few yards away was a whale. I did manage to get my camera out and I did get a picture of its back.

 Young people on paddle boards came out to meet the ship.
We had breakfast in our room and then we headed off to meet our tour. At first we were wondering because they were late arriving. But it turned out very well. We were in a 15 seater  van and there were 10 of us so that was good. The van was old and the upholstery left a lot to be desired but the AC worked perfectly and the guide was first rate.
We were scheduled to tour from 10 till 3 and we ended up touring from 10:30 till 4:00. We covered all of the places we were scheduled to visit. Our Guide Uncle Phil was very knowledgeable about the flora and fauna and culture and history of Hawaii.
He drove us from one location to the next and at each stop we were given time to look around and take photos. In between he told us all about the area and how things used to be and how they came to be as they are now. He obviously has mixed feelings about statehood and how it came to be.

The day was wonderful and here are some pictures of the highlights.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Wow...a whale... we always manage to miss seeing them from the ship.