Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Second Day of Second Cruise

Febtruary 3rd is day 2
Last night it was rocking and a rolling. The first thing I did when I woke was take a Gravol. I was not yet feeling ill but I didn’t want to start feeling ill either. The water was not rough but there was a swell. It was one of those seas that looks like a bowl of pudding with just smooth deep waves and no white caps.
We didn’t order breakfast but there was a chance to pick up a ticket to make a lei later in the cruise so I dressed quickly and went to get into line. It was agreed that Ken would meet me in the international Café and we would have a coffee and a roll before we headed for the lecture on the Big Island.
We almost missed each other, I was sitting on one side and Ken was sitting on the other. Anyway we did connect and we made our way to the theatre. Gary Shahan is the speaker. He is a retired high school social studies teacher and it shows. He does a grand job and we are amused because he keeps referring to us a “class”. The theatre was full and he advertised his next presentation for this afternoon.
That class ended at eleven and there was a class on digital photography that I wanted to take is so I headed for deck 15 . It was quite basic but I did learn a few things. Part 2 is tomorrow and I will attend. I guess they will be explaining the ways to set your camera for manual photography. There is so much that I don’t know about this new camera.
After that class I grabbed a light lunch and checked on a couple of things with the Captain’s Circle rep, then I returned to our room to blog and relax. Ken attended an astronomy lecture.
Before we knew it the time had come to get ready for dinner and the talk on whales. The way the times were we had to dress for dinner and go straight from the lecture to the dining room.
Kathleen was there right away and she announced that she had played bingo and she had won $400.00 so she was pretty happy about that.
Soon the rest of our table mates arrived. It is a family of three consisting of the grandparents Linda  and Roy and their grand daughter, Jessica. They are from Alabama and I believe they said they are or were missionaries. They seem to be very friendly so it should be a nice table. Kathleen was doing more complaining tonight. Let’s hope she was just having a bad day.
After dinner we went to the show with Doug Funk and he was a riot. We laughed so hard we thought we might be sick.
We finished our day in the usual way with a special coffee in the International  Café
The ship was still rocking when we called it a night and drifted off to sleep.

I am including copies of the princess patter. This is the newsletter of daily events that we get delivered to our stateroom each evening. It features a staff member on the front, general information on the back and then the events of the day are listed in the middle.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Love catching up with your day. Glad to see you're like me withthe sea sick tabs, best taken as a preventative just in case you do start to feel queasy. Enjoy your day