Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This is the last!!!

We are all packed up and we are in the Vista Lounge waiting for our group to be called. We have had breakfast and we have said our good byes.
In some ways it is nice to be going home and in other ways it would be nice to be staying on and going back to Hawaii for another 2 weeks.
We ahvehad a wonderful time and for those of you who have been following us check back in a couple of days because I will be inserting pictures into the blog.
Our next cruise is in December, 3-18 to be exact. It is the special anniversary cruise so it should be a lot of fun.
Thanks again for following along.
Ken and Carolyn

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Gosh the time has gone so quickly, I've enjoyed travelling along with you both. We have about 4 weeks until our cruise, a T/A from Rio back to Europe with MSC, will be interesting to compare with Princess. Safe journey home.