Thursday, February 12, 2015

Catching Up

February 12, 2015
This is a beautiful sunny morning, there are just a few clouds and the sea is quite calm.
We went to breakfast in the dining room this morning. We have seldom done that opting instead to have room service. But we decided we needed a change this morning. We sat with 2 other couples from the US East coast and they were reporting on how many feet of snow is waiting for them when they get home. We West coast Canadians just smiled smugly.
Ken went to a lecture at the Princess Theatre and I came here to catch up with the blog. It says that there is no internet access so who knows when I will be able to post.

To continue where I left off we hung around the ship just relaxing during the morning. We ate lunch on board and then headed for the tenders. It looked pretty bouncy so just before leaving the room I took a Gravol. Well I was just a little late. The trip was long and wild and I came within minutes of leaving my lunch on the tender. But I made it to shore with my lunch still contained.

We walked around the little shops and I even managed to pick up the last of our thank you gifts. Then we headed for the Banyan tree and almost immediately we saw Gayle.

 We went to the car and met with Sam. They had changed very little and it was good to see them. WE visited sitting in their car for awhile and then we went off together for ice cream. Before we knew it the time to head back to the ship arrived. The last tender was supposed to leave shore at five o’clock and this was around four. When we reached the line we could not believe how long it was. There is no way all of these people will be on board by five was our first thought. We were correct. The return tender ride was much smoother and of course my Gravol had kicked in by now.
 It was about 5:15 when we boarded the ship and there were hundreds of people behind us in line. Our dinner time is 5:45 so we hurriedly changed for dinner and headed for the dining room. Well we were the only ones from our table who made it to dinner. We would learn later that they were in that line behind us.
We planned to go to the theatre but we returned to our room to pick up the meds we had forgotten to bring to the dining room and that is where we stayed.

Wednesday , February 11
We woke suddenly and realized it was almost time for breakfast to be delivered and we were still in bed. I guess I had forgotten to put in a wake-up call. We hurriedly found our robes and were ready for room service. It was an absolutely glorious day. One of the ones that always happened on the Television Show” The Love Boat.” The sun was shining, it was hot, and the sea was not rough. There were people sun bathing all over the ship, and the pools were full. We made great use of our balcony. We ate our breakfast there and then Ken worked on his tan. I went to the library to collect a ticket for the live orchid making class. There is one planned for today and one for tomorrow. Because today is going to be so very busy I wanted a ticket for tomorrow. A Surprisingly I had to wait because they were giving the tickets in order and a lot of people wanted to make their on Thursday instead of Wednesday.
I was successful
Ken and I enjoyed a hot dog on our balcony then I headed for the SPA .
 I had an appointment to get my hair done at 1:30. The young lady did a very nice job.
Next stop was the wine tasting. I had my list of which shooter glasses I need to complete a set but to my disappointment they did not have the shooters available. The wines were different from the last time and as usual I enjoyed the whites and the late harvest but gave my reds to Ken. I just can’t make myself enjoy red wine.
As soon as the wine tasting was over we headed to our room. The chocolate covered strawberries were about to arrive and we had to get dressed for dinner. This is formal night so our best was called for. We dressed, enjoyed the berries and by 4:45 we were on our way again. We had arranged to meet Sam and Gayle’s friends, Marvin and Elizabeth, at the Vista at 4:50 and the Captain’s Circle party was at 5:00. We got seats together and visited

 .The captain again apologized for missing the port . I guess he has gotten a lot of complaints. But really, safety comes first and he may be the Captain of this ship but he certainly can’t control the weather. Neither of us won the champagne but we each enjoyed a rum punch courtesy of the captain. Then before we knew it the party was over and we were on our way to dinner.
Tonight was one of the 2 lobster nights so needless to say the meal was enjoyed by all. Our table mates had returned. We were correct in thinking that they got caught in that line yesterday.
Linda was showing us her pearl jewelry and Jessica was showing hers. They both enjoyed choosing an oyster and having the pearl they found set into a piece of jewelry. The dinner was lobster with crab cakes and it was delicious. But the crowning glory was another Norman Love Chocolate masterpiece. This was beautiful to look at and we can’t imagine how long they took to create. BUT they were so rich and so sweet after eating lobster it was difficult to do it justice. I choose not to finish mine because I knew it would drive my blood sugar through the roof. But it certainly was grand.

After dinner we returned to our room and changed our clothes. WE dressed in something smart but I removed the heels and ken ditched the tuxedo. Then we headed for the theatre. The singers and dancers are highlighted and the show is called Stardust. It was very very good but as usual the production team had the music too loud.  There are times when the background music from the band is so loud that you can’t hear the voices.

After the show we called it a night and returned to our room. Ken watched some TV but since I had gotten very little sleep the night before I was out like a light.

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