Monday, February 16, 2015

Last Post??? Maybe

I have been trying for the good part of an hour to check in for our flight tomorrow and no luck. The internet is terrible even though we are sitting here at the dock in Ensenada.
As soon as I get connected and get to the American airlines site the internet goes down and I have to begin over. I certainly will complain a lot less about Shaw when I get home.
Anyway we had a great tour this morning. Our main stop was to visit the Bufadelo blow hole.
Even though it was not high tide when we were there the blows were terrific. We got lots of great pictures. The road leading to the blow hole was a gauntlet of vendors trying to sell you everything. They were not oppressive in that they quit when you gave them a polite No Thanks. There were so many passing our samples of Pina Colada that you could get drunk just walking down the line.
Hopefully I will be able to post pictures. If not today then I will post them on Wednesday when we are at home with a good connection. Look for pictures then
Our tour finished around one and we came back on board for lunch.
Right now Ken is getting some sun and I am getting frustrated trying to reach AMERICAN AIRLINES.

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