Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Another Surprise!!

Another Surprise,
We just got another surprise.
This is a rainy day and we had paid Princess for a beach day excursion here in Lahaina. The phone just rang to inform us that our beach day has been cancelled and they are going to refund our money!! Who would have believed that? The weather is certainly not in the control of Princess and we believed that we would have to pay the money regardless.
It is drizzly and gray and there are low clouds. We just called our friends Sam and Gayle and we will still meet them on shore at three o’clock. But there is no hurry to disembark so we are enjoying a second cup of coffee.
We still can’t believe that Princess is giving us a refund. That is what I call service.
Another thing I should mention here. When we book a cruise we pay the agreed upon price that includes Port Fees. If those fees are lower when we actually make the port Princess refunds us the difference. That happened twice for this holiday. Granted it is not a lot of money, I think it came to about thirty dollars this time but multiply that by 2600 passengers and it is a lot of money. As passengers we would have no way of knowing that the fees were lower but we were given the refund anyway.  Princess is a firm we trust and we will continue to be loyal Princess Passengers.

Enough with the accolades… We are looking forward to a relaxing day and we will let you know how our day went and how our visit with Sam and Gayle went.

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