Monday, February 2, 2015

Last Day of the First Cruise

February 1st,
It is hard to believe that basically the first cruise has come to an end. Today is the last day, people are packing and the wall protectors are out waiting for the suitcases.
We are always glad that we are not one of the packing people. Our turn will come but it is not today.
Today is bright and sunny but it is cool. The temperature is in the mid sixties.
People are everywhere , finishing their shopping, choosing pictures, saying good bye to friends and getting ready for the big game. Ken and I are not football fans but I will make my way to the special areas for watching. There are different areas depending on which team you are rooting for. The Patriot  fans will be stationed in The Vista lounge . The Sea Hawk fans will be in Explores, smokers will be in the Casino and the game will also be showing on the big screen.
It will be so crazy around here that I almost wish I was a football fan. Now if it were an Olympic Hockey game it would be a very different story. I would be in the front row yelling the loudest. . Ken was absolutely shocked to find a hockey game on the stateroom television. We were so surprised that we took a picture of the screen.

Ken has had an upset stomach today so he has been lying low.
I went to the big sale on board but there was nothing new. I went to the prize draw in Facets jewelry store but I didn’t win anything. I was surprised that they gave away 10 prizes, and even more surprised when the same lady won the first two prizes.
We just had a light lunch in our room. Tonight will be a big meal celebrating the end of the cruise.  We have put in a request to sit at the same table for the next cruise, so we will find out tonight if our request has been granted. It usually is.
Last night we had a group picture taken and I purchased it today. I will scan it and send it to our dinner companions when we get home. It is quite nice of all of us.

We received our instructions for disembarkation, actually for changing over. We had not noticed but our card is dated to February 17 so we are at the same table and we do not need to have another picture taken. But we will have to meet in the wheelhouse bar with our passports and customs declarations at 11:15. At this point I don’t know if they will be marching us off of the ship and back on again. We will see. Either way it should not be a long process. It will be interesting to see how many people are staying on for the next cruise.

I got rid of old papers and then changed the decorations on our door!

Dinner was good and we could have had Baked Alaska for dessert. There was the usual parade of the junior waiters  which is always fun. The sugar free desert was that chocolate tapioca nightmare. I told the table about my opinion on that one and all about the incident in Australia. Of course Howard had to order it just to see and Sandy ordered an extra on and said it was for me. Well it was passed around to gales of laughter and all agreed that Princess should remove this one from the menu.
Good bye was said and all were wished safe travels and hopes to meet again were expressed. This was a fun group and as usual table mates can make or break a cruise. This was a very good group.
The evening show was not to begin until 8:30 and we left the dining room at 7:15 so with time to kill we came back to our stateroom to wait. We almost fell asleep but we did make it to the theatre. We sat next to a lady we had sat next to before so she and I had a good visit while we waited for the show to begin. Tonight was a comedian named Doug Funk. He is a Canadian and he does what is billed as Improvisational comedy. In other words he does not have a preplanned act. He uses the audience and it changes depending on the different responses he receives. There were times when he was very funny and so it was a good evening. The last 2 nights the sound system has been out of wack in that it has been entirely too loud. Ken says he is going to bring his Bose earphones to the next performance. I am referring to the music they play before the shows begin.
Back in our room we filled our a room service card for breakfast and called it a night and a cruise!!

Tomorrow we begin cruise number 31!!

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