Thursday, February 5, 2015

Captain's Welcome Party

February 4th
This is the third day at sea and we began it by having breakfast in our room . Again the sea is rocking and rolling and I have taken some Gravol. We knew the sea would be rough for at least the first part of this crossing so we are just relaxing and enjoying it,
Ken and I both went to the port lecture on Oahu. Again the theatre was full and the lecturer Gary Shahan , did a great job as usual.
Ken went to a lecture on Astonomy again and I had lunch in the buffet. Then I went to a lecture on photography. The first part of it was informative but she soon got into things I didn’t understand and will never have need of. The Thursday lecture will be even more advanced and made for people with aspirations of becoming professional. I will not attend it.

I le\arned that the lei making is for the ribbon Lei so I will give my ticket away. I made that one last time and do not need to make it again.
Dinner was fun. Kathleen was back to being her jovial self and Linda and Roy and Jessica were having good visits. After dinner was the Champagne waterfall . We enjoyed the Norman Love dessert at dinner and they were passing out the Norman Love pops at the welcome party. Ken and Kathleen and I each got a pop and some champagne and then we made our way to the theatre. The pops were almost sinful they were so rich. I ate only half of one.

 The show tonight was “Do You Wanna Dance?” We decided to try to get a seat in one of the box seats near the front of the stage. We were successful and the view from there was very different. You see the faces of the dancers and the singers and you see their expressions. Some of the stage was blocked but basically we saw it all, just a little enhanced. Kathleen really enjoyed it. I’ll bet it is sad to travel alone and it is good to make friends and have someone to share events with.
After the show we went to The Wheelhouse Bar for time of listening to the music. I think we might have stayed a while and danced but the sea had become rougher and it was hard to stand still and dancing was out of the question.

We returned to our room and placed our order for breakfast and called it a day. Time to allow the sea to rock us to sleep.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

We like the "Royal" boxes to watch the shows