Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Crowne Plaza

 At The Crowne Plaza

Most important we passed the last Covid test so we will be able to board!!! We have a pick up scheduled for 11:00.

The plane trip was almost uneventful. Dave picked up up at 3:30 and we got to the airport in lots of time and had no problems checking in. Luggage is shipped all of the way to LAX.

Ken and I seldom pay for seat selection we just take what the airline gives but because this is special I decided to select our seats and pay that fee for the leg from Calgary to LAX because it was a longer flight. Ken really enjoys sitting next to a window but being on the wing gives a terrible view if any view at all. So I made certain to select a window in front of the wing. 

Who knew that there are rows on a plane that do NOT have a window?.

Our arrival to LAX was right on time and after a slight panic trying how to contact our driver he contacted me and it went smoothly from there. 

The hotel is very nice, spacious and well equipped but who ever heard of a hotel room that did not have a closet?

We called Ken and Wendy, my niece and her husband and they soon arrived to pick us up. We had a great visit with them. It is as if no time has passed when we get together. Wonderful!! All 4 of us look a bit older but our hearts are still the same.

We returned to the hotel and had a very SHORT nap. Half hour....getting up at 2:30 is beginning to take its toll.

We quickly headed downstairs to get to the Green Onion by 6:30. On the way we met 2 couples who were also on their way there. When we arrived we discovered that the room was not what we expected. People were packed in shoulder to shoulder and all seats were taken. We were glad of that because we did not want to ignore Covid protocol. We could not distance ourselves . So we decided to leave and headed back to the hotel, WE met another couple on the way and we four decided to have dinner together. Deborah and Gordon.....forget last name. They are on the WC with us. I hope to see them on the ship. They seem to be very nice and would be great table mates.

Dinner was very nice and we visited and enjoyed the relaxation. 

We decided to do the last Covid test and it was negative. It was not long after that and we were both in bed and on our way to dreamland.

We have breakfast here and then it is off to the ISLAND PRINCESS. I have to plnch myself to realize that this is real!!!

1 comment:

Janet Mauza said...

Bon Voyage! Enjoy! Stay healthy!