Saturday, January 21, 2023

Day Three

 Day Three,

This day was eventfilled.

We discovered that even people who were not going the entire cruise received those lovely gifts.

Breakfast took a very long time. The ship is short staffed so things are slower than they should be. Apparently many more crew will join the ship in Honolulu.Something about imigration problems with the US not allowing people to enter the country to meet the ship in LA... just a rumour.

Then after breakfast we had to return to our cabin to do a covid test. All had to be tested and based on the results maskwearing will have to continue or it will be dropped. Fortunately both Ken and I were negative.

Next I went to the experts on the ship to find out what the problem was with my cell phone photos and my computer. An hour and one half later everything is working as it should. Apparently an Apple I Phone does photos in one format and the windows computer can read another format. So as with everything there is an ap for that. Wonderful young people were very helpful with that and I think all is well. We shall see.

I have reached the conclusion that there is a conspiracy afoot. Somewhere someone has decided that there will be too many Baby Boomers needing places in nursing homes so to avoid that situation they are going to use technology to drive all of us right out of our minds . In that way they can just put us in Mental institutions which is much less expensive than seniors residences.

The first two days were quite cool and there was some motion on the ocean but today is much calmer and it is up to 18C so things are looking up.

We were told tonight that masks are no longer required but recommended. We will continue to wear ours.

Tonight at dinner we had another very nice couple and a single. It is kind of nice to have the regular Leo and Pauline and someone new.  Service is still slow so we are going to keep our eyes open for Pauline and Leo and suggest that they come at 5 instead of 5:30 so we can get to the show before all of the seats are taken.

Tonight was a magic show and the theatre was packed. 

Tomorrow is a formal night .

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