Sunday, January 29, 2023

Saturday January 28th

 Saturday began in the usual way. I got up early and worked on the blog, When Ken got up we dressed and went to breakfast in the dining room.

Next I went to the lecture with Deb Fraioli. The topic was Art and Ritual of the Pacific Islands. I don't think I really knew that there were so many different small islands, so many different languages, so many different cultures. The biggest surprise was learning that there were so many islands that went undiscovered until the last 50 years or so and that many were cannibals.

We met Julia and Ken for lunch. They choose a pizza place. We had not ever been there . Their pizza is very different from those at Ricks or at Ocean Park.I like ours better.

After lunch Ken went to the ice carving and I returned to the cabin. Soon it was time to head to the Crossing the equator ceremony. As usual it was jam packed and as usual it was a lot of fun and as usual it was difficult to get good pictures but I tried.

 By the time that was over it was time to get ready for dinner. Service was greatly improved. Having lots of staff has made a huge difference.

We had lots of time to get to the show which was a good thing. The theatre was full by show time.

Tonight's performer was Doug Funk. He was hilarious. We laughed almost the entire time.  I will go to see him again if he has another show.

Before the show I managed to hide a duck, It was still there after the show.

Then Leo and Pauline and Ken and I went to Good Spirits. Ken and I decided it was time to have a cocktail. Pauline suggested a Dirty Banana. She had one and said it was wonderful. When the waitress told me about all of the liqueurs that was in it I was concerned that it may have too much sugar. After a debate....should I or should I not??? I decided to go for it. It was so Good . We will just see what my sugar is in the morning. Around 10 we headed for our room.

We were not in the room very long when we got a call from Pauline telling us that Leo found the duck. They plan to keep it as a memory of us and their cruise.   What fun!!

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