Monday, January 30, 2023

Gorgeous Day

 This is day 11 and so far it is almost ideal.

The sun was shining brightly when I woke up at 6:30. There was a very slight roll to the sea , just enough to remind you of where you were.

I tested my blood sugar right away and it was 5.6. So it looks as if there will be more dirty bananas in my future. So delicious.

Then I proceeded to try to connect to Zoom for our church service. I was finally successful. It was grand to see everyone and to enjoy the service.

Before the service began there was an announcement over the ship's PA, stating that the medical staff was to report to cabin D 316, we are in C 316 so we are wondering what happened and hoping it is not serious. Major illness on a vacation is so sad.

Next we went topside to have breakfast at the buffet. It was too late to go to the dining room. As usual it was just right.

We decided to walk around the conservatory. It is a beautiful location and we often enjoy time spent there.

Next we went down to deck 6 where they were having what they called an end of season sale.There was not a lot but they did have items that will make excellent Christmas tree decorations from PANAMA. I purchased 2 of them, half price and now I don't have to search for them when we are in Panama.

Then we returned to our cabin to enjoy the sun on the balcony. The time was perfect.Sunny but not too hot, rolling waves and the sound of the ocean made it perfect.

I came back inside and discovered there was a message on the phone. I listened to it and it was from Pauline. She was very upset. She heard the medical message and thought it was C and not D. She was convinced that I was ill . The first thought that came to mind was the Dirty Banana. She believed that I was experiencing a diabetes problem because of trying the drink she had so highly recommended. I was unable to call he back because I did not know her cabin number.  She appeared at our door later to check on Ken. She worried that I was in the ship's hospital and Ken was alone. A few minutes later Leo arrived to check in on Ken as well. Both were relieved to see us both hale and harty.

Both Ken and I were moved by their concern.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful.

We did dinner in the dining room and then we went to Good Spirits and we had a special coffee. Neither couple wanted to go to the theatre to see and hear the Xylosync 

 Pauline and Leo and Ken and I visit and time just seems to fly. Tomorrow is the last sea day before Tahiti.


Kim MacDonald said...

I must say, you two are looking amazing!

sandy in spain said...

Glad Dirty Banana was not a problem, I can see more of them in your future :-) Thank you for showing more Christmas decorations...enjoy