Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Monday,January 23, 2023

 This was almost a lost day.

I was not feeling well and so I spent most of the day in bed. It seemed to be a stomach problem, it was not Covid . By this morning I was back to my old self.

Last evening we got another couple at our table and they will be staying with us. They are on the entire world cruise. They are from Langley which was a pleasant surprise. Their names are Jim and Chris Marshall. So table 271 will be 2 canadian couples and one Australian couple. It is a very nice group.

I managed to stay awake long enough to take in the show. Lou Gazarra was truly amazing. Those are words I don't often use for vocalists. He had such a prwerful voice and had an unbelievable range. I loved the show.

I was back upstairs and under the covers right away.

This morning I felt like my old self again.

Today we are in Honolulu!

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