Saturday, January 28, 2023

102 left

 This is Friday January 27th and it is the 9th day of this adventure. We have 102 days left to enjoy.๐Ÿ˜

To catch up.

Entertainment on Wednesday was featuring Dan Delgado: "Lineage Pt1". He played the Xylo Sync. It was an electronic xylaphone. He certainly made it rock. It was hard to believe that he could get that many sounds from that machine at one time. At no time did he explain the term Lineage Pt1.

As I reported earlier we went ashore and explored and shopped and relaxed.

Entertainment on Thursday was Showtime with Instrumentalist David Meyer. He is a very talented trumpet player and he really amazed me with his talent. Some of the sounds that came from that instrument amazed me. I really don't know if that was a good thing or a not so good thing.

I went to the destination lecture on Papeete with Deb Fraioli. She is well travveled and informative. I will go to more of her lectures.

This was a sea day so I did some exploring and relaxing. I went to the shop that sells liquor and discovered that a bottle of Captain Morgan purchased now would be delivered to our room the day before  we arrive in Australia . It can be consummed in our cabin. Did it.

Day 9 was sunny and times and raining at times and windy with white caps sometime. I went to the lecture with Deb Fraioli. She is a retired art educator and the lecture today was on Paul Gauguin. Topic was Life and Art Paris to Papeete. I knew little or no about him and I was shocked and disgusted by what I learned of his lifestyle. And I was not all that impressed with his art either.

The entertainment last night was a ELTON JOHN tribute. It was loud and Jason Ostrowski could really play the piano but he sure isn't Elton John.

 After the show we went to Good Spirits with Leo and Pauline. We are finding that we have more and more in common with them. We are actually considering cruising to Norway with them in 2024.

We chatted and laughed for over an hour . It was soon time to call it a day. 

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