Monday, September 19, 2022

Sunny Day in Skagway

 The day began cloudy and gray. When I looked from the balcony I was surprised to see where we were. Having been here many times I knew what to expect. Or at least I thought I knew. We were not at the side of a cliff filled with signs made about the various ships that docked here. Actually we were quite aways from that rock wall. But we could see that spot...we could also see where the June rock slide had taken place. We could also see where the second slide had accured.

We dressed and went to breakfast in the Da Vinci dining room. It was great and we enjoyed visiting with fellow cruisers.

We came back to our cabin and we managed to spend the next hour doing who knows what. 

Then we decided to head to town and have a look around. We had no problem disembarking. No crowds, no line up; that might be because we were later and of course sailing at 60% capacity doesn't hurt.

Skagway has many interesting old buildings that have been saved. The streets are wide and bright banners and flower boxes make it seem so cheery and friendly.

As usual for this tourist area every second store is either a jewelry store or a tee shirt outlet. We can't help but wonder how anyone of them survives.

We stopped in one of the tee shirt outlets and bought new covid masks. They feature native art , mine is blue and Ken's is red.

I also stopped at a fudge shop and got Ken some chocolate fudge.

We went into a fun shop called Bobby Pins and Buckshot. It was almost an art gallery with some interesting extras such as botty pins and empty buckshot cartridges.

There are some interesting historic displays. One in particular caught my eye. There was a bronze sculpture of a gold seeker and his dog. It showed crates depicting the mass of stuff needed to sustain those gold hunters. There also was a photo of the street named Broadway during the gold rush. Tents and men and supplies in piles. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the current Broadway street sign.

Then we made our way back to the ship and we had lunch in the Horizon Court. It was our first visit there. As usual the variety of foods available was rather amazing. It was quite busy but we got a table right away. The Da Vinci is not open on port days to give the staff a chance to get off of the ship so that is why Horizon Court was so busy.

After lunch we rested for an hour and then we changed and headed for the Spa pool area where we enjoyed the hot tub for almost an hour.

Everyone of our table mates were present for dinner. Food was great as is normal for the Grand Princess.

The show was a piano player whose name I have forgotten. His style was loud with lots of keys being played. Not my preference for sure. But the amazing princess orchestra saved the show for me. They are alway so very talented.

We headed back to our room and discovered, to our delight that Choo had left us a towel monkey. He is adorable. It is sad that we cannot take it home. But then again where would we store or display it. Our house is full. But I did take photos.

Our day has come to an end. Tomorrow we will be at Glacier Bay checking out the glaciers.

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