Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 Yesterday we had to get a Covid test. We choose to do it using Zoom. We were pleasantly surprised at how easy it was and how smoothly it went. Of course the fact that we use Zoom for Sunday worship and therefore are  familiar with it didn't hurt.

But we tested NEGATIVE. Yeah. That was the last hurdle.

Today we have hair appointments... have to try to look good in at least one of our pictures. 

Both of the suitcases are under 50 pounds. Not that it matters since we are not flying.

Our neighbour is going to water the plants and collect the mail, we certainly are lucky to have good neighbours.

We live only an hours drive from Vancouver and the cruise terminal but getting there can be difficult. If we drive there what do we do about parking for 12 days or longer?The cost of parking in a big city like Vancouver is very costly and prohibitive. There is no rapid transit to get us from here to there. Again having friends is a blessing. Usually we will drive one couple and then when we need a drive they will drive us. Unfortunately covid and age has reduced the number of friends who are still travelling. Our very good friend has a retired son who has agreed to take us into Vancouver tomorrow. We really appreciate Stewart for doing this. He will pick us up around ten in the am and then he will come back and get us on the 26th.

Well I guess that is it for tonight. The next time I write we will be on board the Grand.

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