Saturday, September 17, 2022

Juneau, Seventh Visit.

 The Grand arrived in Juneau at 6:30 am. It was cloudy but you could see the odd ray of sunlight so it was hopeful. We went to breakfast in the dining room. We shared our table with 2 couples, one from Texas and one from Washington state. As usual it was a pleasant encounter. We have been lucky , so far no one is trying to talk politics.

After breakfast we took time to hide 2 more ducks. One on deck 14 and one on deck 7.

We returned to our room and got ready to head out. By now the sun is shining brightly so it is time to head to the tram. Disembarking went smoothly. We walked to the tram stopping in a few shops along the way. The trip to the top of the tram was pricy ,,....$45.00 each., but the views were amazing. There was a movie and there were many totems to photograph. 

There were 3 ships in today so the stores were busy. I had a shopping list of 3 things and I was lucky in that I found all three today. 

By one o'clock we had walked enough and we were feeling a bit hungry so we headed back to the ship. The clouds were beginning to foll in and the lovely sunny view from the top was no longer available. We choose the time to ride the tram wisely.

We had lunch at  the International cafe. It was excellent and we were soon on our way back upstairs...nap time!

Dinner was at 5 again and it was so pleasant.Diver scallops were the special tonight. Yummy!! Gary and Debbie and Gary were not there. We are hoping they are not ill. 

We are back in our stateroom relaxing and remembering why we love cruising so much. Tomorrow we are in Skagway!!

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

WOW, brought back a lot of memories of our cruise to Alaska few years ago. Lovely photos