Friday, September 23, 2022



This is know as a very rainy city and today it proved to be true, at least in the beginning. We set the smart phone and the cruise ship wake up sysyem for 6:00. ( both worked).

Ken had to be on shore for 7:20 so we ordered room service for breakfast, It was raining and it was very cool. When breakfast arrived the server asked if I was going along and I said I was not because I did not like being cold and wet. He then assured me that before noon the sun would shine. We did not have much faith in his forcast but he was correct, by eleven it was getting sunny.

Anyway after Ken left I did a few errands. I made certain our arrive can was good and ready for Prince Rupert and our return to Canada.

Then I hid the last two of our ten ducks. We still have not found one. We are wondering who else on board is playing the game.

I also gave away 7 of the 10 paintings that I brought with me for just that purpose. 

By now the weather had improved so I headed ashore. I had great fun exploring the shops and the shore side attractions. 

There are three of the Holland America ships in port along with us so the city is busy.

A fourth one arrived late in the day.

I was keeping an eye out for toast racks so I went into the Salvation Army Thrift Shop. They did not have a toast rack but they did have a hallowe'en costume that would be perfect for the Red Hat party. I am really pleased with my find.

When I returned to the ship Ken was in the cabin. He did not catch a salmon but neither did he get sea sick. Apparently the waters were very rough at times. Gravol did the trick.

After lunch and an afternoon nap it was time to get ready for dinner. I gave paintings to our table mates and they were very well received.

The piano player Ahern was back in the Princess Theatre so we came back to our cabin.

When we arrived we were again treated to a towel figure. This time it was an amazing swan. I was thrilled and took loads of pictures of it.

Our stewart is a gem.

Tomorrow we are back in Canada...we arrive in Prince Rupert at 7:00 am. Clocks change and we are back to Abbotsford time.


sandy in spain said...

Halloween costume looks like it was a bargain, you must send a photo when you wear it.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear Ken didn’t catch a salmon. At the beginning of August last year, Greg caught so many he was giving them to his fellow fishermen. But I’m sure enjoying your blog!